South Winneshiek FFA Wins 2023 Iowa FFA Dairy
Cattle CDE
The 2023 Iowa FFA Dairy Cattle Career Development Event was held in conjunction with the Youth Dairy Classic in
Manchester on Friday, September 8, 2023. Thirty teams and individuals participated in this year’s Career Development
Event designed to provide students an opportunity to display their knowledge and skills in the area of dairy cattle
selection and management.
The South Winneshiek FFA Chapter located in Calmar was named the Iowa Champion FFA Dairy Cattle Team. Team
members included: Mitchell Vagts, Kelsey Timp, Katrina Hageman, and Hanna Vagts. Their agriculture education
instructor and FFA advisor is Mrs. Melissa Hageman.
The champion team will compete in the National FFA Dairy Cattle Career Development Event during the National FFA
Convention in Indianapolis, Indiana this October.
The Reserve Champion Team in Dairy Judging was the Decorah FFA Chapter located in Decorah. Team members
included: Brody Courtney, Kiele Eberling, Anders Lovstuen, and Creed Monroe. Their agriculture education instructor and
FFA advisor is Ms. Joni Bruvold. Kelsey Timp from Calmar was the Champion Individual. Anders Lovstuen from Decorah
was the Reserve Champion Individual.
The Iowa FFA Dairy Cattle Career Development Event was made possible with support through the Iowa FFA Foundation
and the Youth Dairy Classic Exhibitors.
Jim Hammerand, Austin Knapp and Kurt Wolf were the official judges for the placing classes. Kaleb Kruse selected the
cattle for judging classes and acted as reasons taker.
More Information
- Melissa Hageman, 9-12 Agricultural Education Advisor
- 5633803636
- More Information