The Freedom Rock Tour, created by the artist of The Freedom Rock; Ray "Bubba" Sorensen II, aims to boost tourism and spread the message of thanking our Veterans while providing a unique to their area Freedom Rock for all 99 counties in the great state of Iowa.
Sorensen will tour the state for the next few summers completing the murals and providing an instant tourist attraction.
The goal is to be unique and tell area specific stories on each rock. The artist will not include every era/branch/race/gender etc on each rock but rather, the goal is to represent all of that across the entire tour with those specific stories. Think of each rock as a piece of a puzzle, not all encompassing until you step back and look at the entire project. If you don't see something represented on a certain rock, that means it probably will be, or already is represented on another rock. Please understand that the artist has control of the content/design of each rock, relying on each county for some of the ideas to inspire said design. (